Home Season 1 / Ep 1 – Creation

Ep 1 | Creation

We go back in time to see the beautiful unfolding of creation and meet the Master who governs it all. As we delve deeper into Adam and Eve’s story, we encounter a poignant moment of loneliness amidst the vastness of Eden. In response to Adam’s longing, God fulfills His promise and creates Eve as his companion. Thus, our narrative unfolds, showcasing the divine plan of companionship and harmony in God’s creation. For more theological insights, click here

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There are debates about the depiction of God and artistic representations of living beings in Islam. The Qur’an describes creation in “six days” which some interpret literally, while others view it as a metaphor.

● The Quran says creation took 6 days, but many interpretations exist.
● “Days” might not mean literal 24-hour periods.

● A real tree in the Garden of Eden imbued with symbolic significance by God’s commands.
● A figurative symbol representing the sinful choice of living independently from God’s wisdom.
Function in Genesis: Adam and Eve are exiled from Eden after eating from this tree (Genesis 2:9, 16-17) to prevent them from eating from the “tree of life” (Genesis 3:22-23).
● The tree of life represents eternal life flowing from God.
Quran: While unnamed, the Quran likely refers to this tree in Surah 7:19 where God warns Adam not to go near it.

The exact nature of the tree (real or symbolic) is debated, but it represents the consequence of disobeying God’s command. The Quran seems to reference this tree but doesn’t explicitly name it.

The Bible describes Eve this way, but some scholars believe it’s a metaphor, not a literal description. The Quran says God created both Adam and Eve from one person.